Department offers GTA training, designed and carried out by 2-3 experienced TA’s (TA Trainers) with the support and guidance of an instructor or faculty member. Here is a sequence of the over all TA training program:
- Initial training session: The training consists of a one-and-a-half-day session at the beginning of the fall semester before TA duties begin. Read more…
- Individual tutorial/lab visits and one-on-one meetings: In the fourth to fifth week of the semester TA Trainers visit the tutorials or labs conducted by the new TA’s, following up with one-on-one assessment sessions.
- Mid-term TA evaluation: This also includes an informal TA evaluation which is administered in the middle of every semester to obtain student feedback on the performance of both new and continuing TA’s.
- Reviewed and followed-up: Both the midterm and end-of-term student evaluations are reviewed and followed-up by TA Trainers and faculty member in charge of TA training.
- Course-specific training for 2XX TA’s: Additional training specific to 2XX courses has also been offered where TA’s who are new to 2XX courses receive (i) orientation from past or head TA’s at start of term and (ii) further within-course training from head TA’s and instructors. Head TA’s are very experienced, they, together with the course instructors, provided within-course training to fellow TA’s without the support from the TA Trainers. The training is also focused on providing hands-on training to potential head TA’s for STAT 2XX.
- TA feedback session: In mid-February, new TA’s gather for an informal meeting to provide feedback to the TA Trainers on their training and their TA experiences. As well, the TA trainer addresses any general concerns that students or faculty members may have with the TA’s.